Macon, Georgia Slip & Fall Accidents: The Difference between Negligence & Carelessness Lawyer

Slip & Fall Accidents: The Difference between Negligence & Carelessness

Slip and fall accidents are responsible for sending over one million people to emergency rooms every year, according the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI) – resulting in steep medical costs, lost income and physical pain and suffering.  When the accident happened on someone else’s property and liability is an issue, how can you determine whether an owner was truly negligent if they claim you were being careless? Playing the He Said / She Said Game Whenever a premises liability accident occurs, you’re likely to get into a he said / she game over how the accident occurred – especially when insurance companies are involved.  In fact, many insurance companies will attempt to invoke what’s called the “open and obvious doctri[...]...


8 Laws Georgia Drivers Should Know

It can be hard to remember every single driving law that exists, especially if it’s been many years since you attended your driver’s education class. Georgia periodically updates its laws,  which means there’s a good chance that some of the state’s...