Macon, Georgia Navigating Truck Accident Insurance Claims Lawyer

Navigating Truck Accident Insurance Claims

Accidents involving trucks can be complex and may involve many parties, like drivers, trucking companies, and truck manufacturers.  There may be more than one liable party for injuries suffered during a truck accident.  The multiple parties involved may have different insurance policies to sort through. Also, injuries sustained from truck accidents are usually more severe, due to the size and weight of the vehicles involved in the accident. In this blog post we will discuss the trickiness of navigating truck accident insurance claims. Understanding the Parties Involved There may be numerous parties that could be held liable in a trucking accident.  It is important to know who the potential parties are in order to get full compensat[...]...

Macon, Georgia Who Can Be Held Liable for a Truck Accident? Lawyer

Who Can Be Held Liable for a Truck Accident?

If you’ve suffered injuries in a truck accident that wasn’t your fault, you should be entitled to compensation from the responsible party. In order to pursue it, you’ll likely need to file a personal injury lawsuit against them, with the help of a lawyer who specializes in this area. In this post, we break down everything you need to know if you’re in this situation. How Is Fault in a Truck Accident Determined? In truck accident cases (as in most other types of personal injury disputes), fault is determined based on the legal principle of negligence. In order for negligence to exist and liability to attach to the at-fault party in your case, four essential elements must be present, namely: Duty of care: The at-fault p[...]...

Macon, Georgia Drug Testing, Hours of Service Could Become Issues In Trucking Industry in 2019 Lawyer

Drug Testing, Hours of Service Could Become Issues In Trucking Industry in 2019

The trucking industry remains concerned with regulations, with matters including the drug testing of applicants, modifying how long truck drivers may drive in 24 hours, and digital monitoring being the top worries of drivers and trucking companies. Other matters the trucking industry is focused on are the patchwork of state laws that regulate how truckers can be paid and trying to figure out two confusing rule changes in California. This information comes from DAT Solutions, a company based in Portland, Oregon, that is charged with matching freight with various carriers. Here is a closer look at the top issues the trucking industry is concerned with today: Automatic On-Board Recording Devices Strict enforcement of electronic logging dev[...]...

Macon, Georgia Screening for Trucker Sleep Apnea Halted – Unfortunately Lawyer

Screening for Trucker Sleep Apnea Halted – Unfortunately

Accidents involving large trucks are a significant problem in the United States. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) says that 3,852 people died in accidents involving large trucks in 2015 alone. Because of the difference in size and weight of vehicles, along with other factors, almost 70% of these fatalities were in passenger vehicles. Another 16% were in the trucks themselves, with the remaining victims being pedestrians, motorcyclists or bicyclists. While significant factors causing truck accidents can vary from speed to road conditions to alcohol use, the IIHS says the single biggest cause of large truck accidents is driver fatigue. While it would be simple to assume the cause of fatigue is lack of sleep, the problem go[...]...

Macon, Georgia Crumple Zones Lawyer

Crumple Zones

Most of us don’t give much thought to infrastructure – the roads and bridges that we travel over every day. According to the World Economic Forum, the United States, which used to have the best infrastructure in the world, now ranks 16th. Decades of neglect have resulted in crumbling concrete, corroded steel and a massive problem with no real solution in sight. In Georgia alone, there were almost 6.6 million licensed drivers in 2012 – that’s a lot of wear and tear on the transportation system. New Report Raises Concerns About Georgia Roads One group evaluating surface transportation concerns for all 50 states is a Washington, D.C., based private nonprofit research organization known as TRIP. A September 2014 report by TRIP concl[...]...


Holding Bars and Restaurants Accountable: Dram Shop Laws and Liability for Drug-Impaired Accidents

When a person leaves a bar after enjoying many cocktails, gets into his car, and hurts (or kills) another person in a drunk driving accident, who should be held liable?  In some s...