When is a Motorcyclist at Fault for an Accident?

Motorcycle riders face unfair biases and are often assumed to be at fault for motorcycle accidents, but most often, that is not the case. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), most multi-vehicle motorcycle accidents happen due to the fault of another driver, usually because the driver doesn’t see the motorcycle rider. Despite this, insurance companies, judges and juries are influenced by this bias, and will often make it difficult for motorcyclists injured in accidents to collect fair compensation for their injuries. If you or a loved one was injured or someone has died in a motorcycle accident caused by another party’s negligence or fault, you should be entitled to compensation through insurance or[...]...

Macon, Georgia Three Ways to Share the Road Safely with Motorcyclists Lawyer

Three Ways to Share the Road Safely with Motorcyclists

According to the NHTSA, the number of motorcyclists who died in accidents fell to 5,172 in 2017, which was a decrease of 3%. Nonetheless, motorcycle riders are still vastly overrepresented in traffic deaths. To keep everyone on the road as safe as possible, the NHTSA wants to remind motorcyclists to make themselves as visible to other drivers as possible, to use a good motorcycle helmet and to never ride after drinking alcohol. Awareness Tips for Motorists Safe motorcycle riding practices and full cooperation from everyone on the road will greatly reduce the number of injuries and deaths on our highways. But it is vital for car drivers to understand the serious safety challenges that motorcyclists face. For example, a motorcycle is much [...]...

Macon, Georgia Motorcyclists Face Constant Danger from…Grass Clippings Lawyer

Motorcyclists Face Constant Danger from…Grass Clippings

Many people are aware of the dangers that motorcyclists face on our roadways, but those dangers are due primarily to the careless or reckless actions of other drivers. But did you know that mere grass clippings could present a danger to motorcyclists? When people mow their grass and blow the clippings on the road, they may be contributing to a dangerous situation for both motorcyclists and cyclists. But many wonder: Is this actually against the law? The answer in most states seems to be both yes and no. In some states, there are laws that prohibit blowing your grass clippings onto the road. But the majority of states allow the cities and counties to determine whether a law has been broken and what the fines are. A fine and possible crimi[...]...

Macon, Georgia Why Motorcycle Safety Month Should Matter to All Drivers Lawyer

Why Motorcycle Safety Month Should Matter to All Drivers

When the weather warms in spring across Georgia and the South, motorcycles are everywhere on our roads.  That is why May is recognized as National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. This month with warm, sunny weather is an appropriate time to remind all drivers to be on the alert for motorcyclists. With so much motorcycle traffic on the roads, serious accidents are more likely. In 2016, 4,976 motorcycle drivers and passengers died in accidents, and 88,000 were injured. For 2009, the most recent data available, there were 140 motorcycle fatalities in Georgia. Fatalities for motorcyclists have risen 3% since 2006, and 8% since 2015. The National Safety Council also reports these concerning statistics about motorcycle accidents: Motorc[...]...

Macon, Georgia 5 Ways to Increase Your Chances of Succeeding in a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Lawyer

5 Ways to Increase Your Chances of Succeeding in a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit

Motorcycle accidents often result in far more damage and injury than those involving cars, trucks and other vehicles in which drivers and passengers are more protected.  If you're in a motorcycle accident, the most important thing to do is to seek immediate medical attention for your injuries. While the last thing on your mind is litigation, knowing these 5 things can increase your chances of succeeding in a lawsuit, if it comes to that. File a police report.  It's important to file a police report to document what happened, how it happened and when it happened.  Without a report, the circumstances of a motorcycle accident can turn into a he-said / she-said contest.  If the police don’t come to the accident scene, which does hap[...]...


Does Workers’ Compensation Insurance Pay Lost Wages?

Learn What Benefits You are Entitled To

Does workers’ comp pay lost wages? This is an especially important concern for workers who have been injured on the job or who have become ill due to their work. The answer...