Many people are aware of the dangers that motorcyclists face on our roadways, but those dangers are due primarily to the careless or reckless actions of other drivers. But did you know that mere grass clippings could present a danger to motorcyclists?

When people mow their grass and blow the clippings on the road, they may be contributing to a dangerous situation for both motorcyclists and cyclists.  You may not think of grass clippings as a reason for accidents, but it is true.  Motorcyclists face constant danger from…grass clippings.

Is It Against The Law To Blow Grass Clippings Onto The Street?

The answer depends on what state you reside in. In some states, there are laws that prohibit blowing your grass clippings onto the road, but the majority of states allow the cities and counties to determine whether a law has been broken and what the fines are.  For example, in Macon County, you will be fined at least $25 if you use a leaf blower to blow grass onto the street or in a drain.

A fine and possible criminal charge are not the only things to worry about, however. You could open yourself up to a personal injury lawsuit if your actions are shown in civil court to have caused serious injury or death to a motorcyclist or cyclist, potentially requiring the assistance of a skilled wrongful death attorney.

So, while the legalities of blowing grass onto the roadway and interfering with a motorcyclist’s ability to drive safely are debatable, it is a good idea to use caution in this area.

Possible Compensation For Motorcycle Accident Injuries

As with any serious accident, the damages that you suffer will be the major contributing factor in the motorcycle accident settlement or verdict. But before your motorcycle accident claim reaches the courtroom, you should meet with your motorcycle accident attorney to discuss your injuries and potential damages.

There are two types of damages to pursue when involved in any type of personal injury case, including motorcycle accidents. They are economic damages and non-economic damages.

  • Economic damages – These are damages you suffered which cover medical bills and loss of wages.  Medical bills can include stays in the hospital, follow-up appointments with doctors, prescription costs, and even trips to and from your appointments.  Economic damages are calculated by adding up the costs of the medical bills and the amount of wages you lost due to missing time at work.
  • Non-Economic damages – These are damages you suffered which cover damages that are not as quantifiable as economic damages.  These types of damages include pain and suffering, loss of consortium, emotional distress, and mental anguish.

Keep in mind that medical costs could include current and past expenses, as well as physical therapy in the future. Also, you could have to pay for the expense of drugs to deal with your pain, and even expenses such as home remodeling in the case of serious injuries. Your attorney will work with you to estimate what you are entitled to for your pain and suffering, but this can vary a great deal.

Call The Motorcycle Accident Lawyer at the Mann Law Firm Today

If you have been involved in any type of motorcycle accident, even if it relates to grass clippings, call the motorcycle accident lawyer at the Mann Law Firm today.  We have been representing clients in personal injury cases for over 50 years and can help you to possibly get compensation for your injuries.  David Mann used to work as defense counsel at a large insurance company, so he knows the tactics they use to settle claims for low amounts.  David will not let that happen to you.  Call us today at (478) 742-3381

Attorney David Mann

Attorney David MannBefore leading his own firm, Mann served for several years as in-house defense counsel for a large insurance company, which gives him unique insight into how insurance companies work. He uses this critical knowledge as an advantage for his clients. He is a tough negotiator and litigator, and he is exceptionally strategic in building cases on behalf of personal injury victims.[ Attorney Bio ]


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