Macon, Georgia Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation: Options, Costs, and Resources Lawyer

Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation: Options, Costs, and Resources

Anyone who has had a spinal cord injury will tell you that the rehabilitation process can be grueling and long.  The effect of a spinal cord injury can be devastating not only to the person who was injured, but on the entire family.  Depending on the type and severity of the spinal cord injury, there are different types of rehabilitation options, and the costs involved also vary.  Figuring out all of the different options can be difficult and arduous.  In this blog post, we will discuss spinal cord injury rehabilitation options, costs, and resources.  The goal is to assist in making important choices about the best options available to you and your loved ones. Types of Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation The type of spinal cord reh[...]...

Macon, Georgia The Financial Impact of a Brain Injury Lawyer

The Financial Impact of a Brain Injury

Brain injuries can be debilitating to those who suffer from them.  The recovery process can be long and arduous and sometimes lead to permanent damage.  Those suffering from brain injuries could have financial setbacks as well, if they are unable to return to work full-time or in any capacity.  In this blog post, we will be discussing the financial impact of a brain injury. Immediate Costs of a Brain Injury You could start to see financial strain days or weeks after suffering from a brain injury, especially if the damage is severe.  Some of the immediate costs of a brain injury are: Hospital Visits - The cost of emergency room visits is not insignificant, even if you have high-quality health insurance. As your stay in the ho[...]...

Macon, Georgia Choosing the Right Lawyer for Your Spinal Cord Injury Claim Lawyer

Choosing the Right Lawyer for Your Spinal Cord Injury Claim

Spinal cord injuries can be mildly discomforting or extremely painful.  These injuries occur when there is damage to the spinal cord itself or to the bones that surround it.  If you have had a major spinal cord injury, you understand the long recovery process where you may miss work and have high medical bills.  Obtaining the right legal representation is an important part of getting compensation for your injuries, either through workers’ compensation or a personal injury claim.  In this blog post, we will discuss choosing the right lawyer for your spinal cord injury. Why a Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer is Essential Hiring the right lawyer for your spinal cord injury claim is very important if you want to be made financially and emo[...]...

Macon, Georgia Don’t Underestimate a Concussion: Long-Term Effects and Legal Options in Georgia Lawyer

Don’t Underestimate a Concussion: Long-Term Effects and Legal Options in Georgia

A concussion, often dismissed as a "minor" head injury, can have significant and lasting consequences. In Georgia, understanding the potential long-term effects of a concussion is crucial for seeking appropriate medical care and exploring available legal options. It is important not to underestimate a concussion.  This blog post will discuss the long-term effects of concussions and victims’ legal options in Georgia. Understanding Concussions A concussion is a traumatic brain injury (TBI) that affects brain function. It's usually caused by a blow to the head, but it can also occur from a violent jolt or shaking of the head or body. This impact causes the brain to move rapidly inside the skull, leading to chemical changes in the brai[...]...

Macon, Georgia Brain Injury Misdiagnosis: What to Do if Your Injury Was Overlooked Lawyer

Brain Injury Misdiagnosis: What to Do if Your Injury Was Overlooked

Imagine you were in a terrible car accident and were subsequently diagnosed with a specific brain injury.  You made the necessary life and financial adjustments required by that diagnosis, but later found out that your brain injury was misdiagnosed by the doctors who are supposed to be experts in their field. A traumatic brain injury (TBI) misdiagnosis may give you cause to file a malpractice suit against the hospital, doctor, and other entities.  This blog post will discuss a brain injury misdiagnosis and what to do if your injury was overlooked. Why Brain Injuries Are Often Misdiagnosed There are many reasons why TBIs are misdiagnosed.  In particular, mild TBIs are frequently misdiagnosed because obvious signs of a brain injur[...]...

Macon, Georgia Children and Brain Injuries: Special Considerations for Young Accident Victims Lawyer

Children and Brain Injuries: Special Considerations for Young Accident Victims

Brain injuries represent a dangerous situation for people of any age, but they’re especially dangerous for children. About 1 in 25 children receive an official diagnosis of a concussion or brain injury before age 17, according to the CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Such injuries can carry severe long-term consequences, because the child’s brain is still developing. Learning more about brain injuries in children can help you seek the best possible course of treatment for them. Understanding Brain Injuries in Children Children can suffer brain injuries in a variety of ways. A young soccer, volleyball, or football player could suffer a brain injury or concussion through the normal course of play. If a youth spo[...]...

Macon, Georgia The Financial Impact of a Brain Injury: Seeking Maximum Compensation Lawyer

The Financial Impact of a Brain Injury: Seeking Maximum Compensation

If you suffer a brain injury in an accident that wasn’t your fault, you could end up with significant financial hardships related to your injury. Some of the hidden costs of a brain injury include an inability to work or a reduced earning capacity, as well as ongoing costs for medical care. When you are facing these kinds of financial problems, you could attempt to recover your financial setbacks through a personal injury lawsuit against the party that caused your brain injury. Learn more about your options when seeking maximum compensation from a brain injury accident. The Hidden Costs of a Brain Injury When you suffer a brain injury in an accident, you could face major difficulties. Whether you have a concussion, a traumatic brain[...]...

Macon, Georgia Navigating the Insurance Claims Process After a Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

Navigating the Insurance Claims Process After a Spinal Cord Injury

There is nothing more frustrating than dealing with insurance companies. They will do anything to deny a claim, and they have lawyers to make sure it happens.  That frustration can be worse after you have suffered a devastating injury, like one to your spinal cord.  Add to that the possibility that your injuries were the fault of a negligent person, and you are probably agitated beyond belief. That is why we put together this blog post on navigating the insurance claims process after a spinal cord injury. We hope that, when you finish reading, you will be less frustrated. Understanding Your Insurance Coverage Before you file a claim, you should understand your current policy.  Because a high portion of personal injury cases happ[...]...

Macon, Georgia Types of Spinal Cord Injuries and Their Impact on Claims Lawyer

Types of Spinal Cord Injuries and Their Impact on Claims

Spinal cord injuries can have devastating effects on our physical health as well as our financial situation.  To be sure, there are many different types of spinal cord injuries (ranging from moderate to severe), and the severity of these injuries will have an impact on the amount of compensation you may receive from filing a claim.  The more severe your injuries are, the more you should be compensated.  In this blog post, we will discuss types of spinal cord injuries and their impact on claims. Complete vs. Incomplete Spinal Cord Injuries Generally, there are two types of spinal cord injuries:  complete and incomplete. Complete Spinal Cord Injuries - These injuries occur when the spinal cord is completely severed and the bra[...]...

Macon, Georgia Cautionary Tales for Self-Driving Cars Lawyer

Cautionary Tales for Self-Driving Cars

Self-driving cars are slowly entering onto the on ramps of society.  As with all new technology, there are bound to be kinks along the way.  Over the past 5 years or so, stories of accidents caused by self-driving cars have hit the airwaves.  One of the first accidents related to self-driving cars occurred in 2018, when an Uber killed a pedestrian in Tempe, Arizona. This story should serve as one of the many cautionary tales for self-driving cars. As self-driving cars become more common, it will be important for drivers and pedestrians to understand the risks and issues involved with these controversial vehicles. They will likely become more prevalent on Georgia roads in the coming years, and it is possible you could even be involved [...]...


Holding Bars and Restaurants Accountable: Dram Shop Laws and Liability for Drug-Impaired Accidents

When a person leaves a bar after enjoying many cocktails, gets into his car, and hurts (or kills) another person in a drunk driving accident, who should be held liable?  In some s...