Permanent disability benefits make up for a portion of the wages you lose when you suffer a job-related illness or injury. You should be eligible for this type of workers’ compensation benefit in Georgia if you cannot return to gainful employment.  In Georgia, permanent disability is provided under permanent partial disability (PPD).

What is Permanent Partial Disability (PPD)?

Permanent partial disability benefits are paid out to injured workers once maximum medical improvement (MMI) is reached.  Generally, PPD allows for compensation for damage to particular body parts.  PPD benefits are based on a permanent disability rating assigned to you by your physician.

How Are Permanent Partial Disability Benefits Calculated?

The amount of PPD is based on the percentage of the specific body part injury and the average weekly salary of the injured worker.  The doctor will assign a permanent disability rating to the specific body part or parts that are injured. For example, workers with injuries to the neck or back will receive benefits up to 300 weeks.  Also, an injury to a hand will provide up to 160 weeks in disability payments.

Let’s take a look at a full example of a PPD calculation.  In our example, a worker is determined to have lost 50% use of his left hand.  His weekly wage is $800, with ¾ of the weekly wage being $600.  The rating of an injury to a hand is 160 weeks, so that number is multiplied by $600, finalizing the number at $96,000.  Since 50% use is lost to the hand, the $96,000 is divided in half.  The worker will receive $48,000 as a lump sum or paid out on a weekly basis.

How Do I Apply for Permanent Disability Benefits?

Technically, you do not apply for workers’ compensation disability benefits . You report your injury to your employer, and your employer files an insurance claim. After a workplace injury or illness is reported to your employer, you must see a physician that you can choose from a list of physicians authorized by your employer.

Based on the report from the authorized treating physician, your employer will file a workers’ compensation claim through its insurance carrier. Your employer (if self-insured) or its insurer should notify the Georgia Workers’ Compensation Board about your status. You should receive a copy of this report.

If the physician determines you have suffered a permanent disability, the report will state the amount of disability to the particular body part injured or to your whole body.

How Can a Lawyer Help Me Obtain Permanent Disability Benefits?

An employer may contend that an employee’s permanent disability is not work-related. For instance, if your permanent disability is hearing loss, your employer may argue that it was caused by a pre-existing condition and not by a job-related accident or by work conditions.

An employee or an employer may also challenge a disability rating. An experienced workers’ compensation lawyer will protect your rights if your permanent disability claim has been denied or if you wish to challenge the amount awarded to you.

For instance, Mann Law Firm can represent you in a hearing before an administrative law judge or in an appeal. We can stand by your side and fight for the benefits you rightfully deserve.

Why Choose Us?

We understand that there are many permanent disability benefits attorneys in Georgia who will gladly take your case. But don’t get fooled into hiring an attorney without experience and knowledge of workers’ compensation insurance.  You should choose The Mann Law Firm because:

  • David Mann worked as defense counsel for a large insurance company before opening up his own law firm.  He knows the tactics insurance companies use to deny claims.
  • Our firm has secured settlements and verdicts, many in the seven figures.
  • Our clients have left us rave reviews.
  • David is a member of the Georgia Trial Lawyers Association and past president of the Middle Georgia Trial Lawyers Association.
  • Our firm puts our clients first.  Unlike large law firms, you are not just a case number to us.  We truly care for our clients.

Our Permanent Disability Benefits Attorneys Answer Your Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that you have specific questions about your particular work injuries.  We will address those questions when we meet for your initial consultation.  However, we have been asked general questions over the years which we thought would be helpful.

What should I do if my PPD claim is denied?

You have a right to appeal the denial to the workers’ compensation board. A permanent disability benefits attorney can guide you and provide legal advice for your appeal.

Can I get compensation for pain and suffering as part of my disability benefits?

No. Disability benefits cover only medical costs and lost wages.

Can I get benefits if my work injuries were caused by my reckless behavior?

It depends. If you were intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol while on the job, your benefits claim may be denied.  You should speak to one of our permanent disabilities attorneys.

Can I get PPD if I am an independent contractor?

No. Workers’ compensation only covers employees.  Independent contractors are not covered under workers’ compensation.

How Soon After I Sustain Injuries Should I File a Workers’ Compensation Claim?

You have up to one year to file a workers’ compensation claim with your employer.  However, we suggest you file your claim as soon as possible after you are injured.

Contact Our Permanent Disability Benefits Attorneys Today For a Free Consultation

If you were injured in a workplace accident, you may be able to collect workers’ compensation benefits. The attorneys at The Mann Law Firm have worked with injured clients for over 40 years helping them obtain the disability benefits they deserve. Filing a workers’ compensation claim can be complicated, and our attorneys understand the process of applying for it the proper way.  Give us a call today at 478.707.2022 for a free consultation.

Attorney David Mann

Attorney David MannBefore leading his own firm, Mann served for several years as in-house defense counsel for a large insurance company, which gives him unique insight into how insurance companies work. He uses this critical knowledge as an advantage for his clients. He is a tough negotiator and litigator, and he is exceptionally strategic in building cases on behalf of personal injury victims.[ Attorney Bio ]


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