There was a time not too long ago when you could bet on just about any vehicle’s having a glove compartment overflowing with maps and pens and cassette tapes. While today’s average glove box may still be crammed with writing instruments and cords to connect audio players, few will have any of those classic folding maps that somehow expand to an unwieldy size and rarely go back as neatly as they came out.

Using a paper map to figure out directions has been replaced by the Global Positioning System (GPS), and this technology is now a primary function on phones (that used to just make calls) and on watches (that used to just tell time). GPS is certainly an innovative development, but sometimes it’s wrong — and when that occurs, the consequences can be fatal.

If you have been hurt in an accident involving GPS, or have lost someone you love in such an accident, it is important to contact a Georgia GPS car accident lawyer. The personal injury attorneys at the Mann Law Firm can help by reviewing your circumstances and discussing all available legal options. Call us at (478) 742-3381 or fill out our online form.

Overview of GPS Devices

Developed from military strategy, GPS use expanded in 1988 when the Magellan NAV 1000 became the first civilian GPS device on the market. GPS is fundamentally a grouping of satellites that work together to provide location information. Currently, there are 24 satellites that circle the earth twice a day in one of six orbit paths and broadcast radio signals that are picked up by GPS devices. (There are also six spares ready to go in case one fails.) Once a device knows its distance from at least four satellites, it uses geometry to determine its location on the planet.

According to the FAA, today’s civilian GPS systems are accurate to within 40 feet. Yet, many of us have personal experience with sloppy GPS programming that directs drivers right into danger by failing to recognize a one-way street, using out-of-date software showing roads that no longer exist, or even confusing roads with natural formations. GPS-assisted incidents in the news include sending an SUV in Seattle down a boat launch, directing a pedestrian across a busy four-lane California highway, instructing an Illinois driver off of a demolished bridge, and indicating an illegal left-hand turn in New Jersey instead of using the provided “jug handle.”

There also have been many bus and truck collisions across the country resulting from GPS devices that are not approved for use in commercial vehicles because they do not take into account the height restrictions of bridges or overpasses.

GPS Devices Are Risky and Can Cause Car Accidents

It seems that we have come to rely on technology so much that we sometimes willfully ignore common sense and follow counterintuitive instructions delivered by the GPS oracles – forgetting that behind the colorful pixels are human programmers who are capable of making mistakes or who may have chosen to put their attention elsewhere into the product, such as faster loading speeds or a lower price point. The potential for unsafe distraction when that authoritative voice tells a driver to do something is huge and often overrides logic.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, distracted driving plays a role in approximately one-quarter of all U.S. traffic wrecks; distracted drivers caused 3,308 fatalities and 289,310 injuries in 2022. Engaging with a GPS device takes visual, manual and cognitive attention away from a motorist’s ability to drive. Recently, near Hartsfield Airport, a lost North Carolina man became so focused on his phone’s GPS directions that he made an improper U-turn in front of an oncoming motorcyclist and caused a fatal accident. If you or a loved one has been involved in such an incident, consulting a motorcycle accident lawyer might be essential to understand your rights.

How To Safely Use a GPS In Your Vehicle

Some accidents can’t be avoided, but you can decrease the chances of being injured by following a few safety tips:

  • Don’t program your GPS while driving. Everyone wants to save time when driving, but you become dangerously distracted when doing anything that diverts your attention from the road.  Make sure you plug in your destination before driving.
  • Mount your GPS in the right spot. If you are using a cell phone to display your GPS, make sure it is in a spot where you won’t take your eyes away from the road for a lengthy period of time.
  • Use the voice option. It will be much easier to pay attention to the road if you are not looking at the GPS frequently.  Program your GPS so that the directions are spoken aloud, thus causing less distraction.
  • Don’t treat the GPS directions as gospel. GPS systems are not always correct.  If a GPS system leads you down a road the wrong way, or into a construction zone, make sure you trust your own instincts.

While the law on the relationship between GPS technology and accidents involving vehicles is still evolving, clearly there are some risks to using GPS while driving. These risks can sometimes lead to situations that require the expertise of a car accident lawyer. If you have been in an accident that you suspect may have involved GPS, you should seek the advice of a Bibb County auto collision attorney.

The experienced Macon GPS accident lawyers at the Mann Law Firm can help you pursue compensation from at-fault parties, which may include distracted drivers, drivers who negligently obeyed an obviously errant GPS, or even the device manufacturers themselves. We’ll work with you closely to determine the best grounds for liability in your case; if you have a claim, you can trust that you have a knowledgeable attorney on your side. Get started today with a free, no-obligation case review by calling (478) 742-3381. You can also fill out our online form to discuss the details of your accident and find out your rights. Let us help you.

Attorney David Mann

Attorney David MannBefore leading his own firm, Mann served for several years as in-house defense counsel for a large insurance company, which gives him unique insight into how insurance companies work. He uses this critical knowledge as an advantage for his clients. He is a tough negotiator and litigator, and he is exceptionally strategic in building cases on behalf of personal injury victims.[ Attorney Bio ]


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