Insurance isn’t always one of those things you can just opt to have; it’s often required. You are required by law to have auto insurance to drive your vehicle and homeowner’s insurance to purchase a home; and under the Affordable Care Act, you must have health insurance or be penalized.

As a policyholder, you pay a premium in exchange for payment of certain losses. It’s a legally binding contract. Every insurance policy includes a covenant of good faith and fair dealing. Both parties to the contract must abide by the contract. Unfortunately, there are times when insurance carriers don’t act in “good faith.”

At the Mann Law Firm, we deal with insurance companies all the time.  We know that they are in the business of making money and will do anything in order to make more of it.  If you think that an insurance company handling your claim has acted in bad faith, give us a call at (478) 742-3381 for a free consultation.

Ways Insurance Companies Act in Bad Faith

There are many ways in which insurance companies can act in bad faith.  Some of those ways include the following:

  • The policy may be unjustly canceled.
  • A legitimate claim may be denied.
  • Pertinent language in the policy may be misrepresented.
  • The insurance company may fail to respond to a claim in a timely fashion.
  • They may fail to do a detailed investigation of the facts relevant to the claim.
  • The insurer may offer less than what is justifiably due under the policy.
  • Requiring unreasonable documentation from the claimant.
  • Delaying payment or refusing payment without a clear explanation.

A Georgia Bad Faith Insurance Claims Lawyer Can Help You

If you think that an insurance company is acting in bad faith, you should contact a bad faith insurance lawyer to help you.  A lawyer can help with the following:

  • Meet with you to discuss your claims and review your paperwork
  • Discuss a possible claim of bad faith against the insurance company
  • Review any evidence of bad faith
  • Contact the lawyers at the insurance company to discuss your bad faith claims
  • File a lawsuit against the insurance company
  • Try your case in front of a jury.

Trying to handle a bad faith claim on your own is not a good idea.  There will be many lawyers on the side of the insurance company who will work hard to defend their company.  You need someone just as strong on your side.  The attorneys at the Mann Law Firm understand how insurance companies work.  Call us today at (478) 742-3381

How Insurance Companies Can Act in Bad Faith

Insurance companies for third parties (that is, the negligent person or entity who caused your accident) also have a duty of good faith. This may occur if the company’s adjuster has engaged in outright fraud or interfered with your ability to pursue a legitimate claim. Examples include withholding evidence and tampering with a witness. If you encounter such situations after a car accident, it’s essential to consult with a skilled vehicle accident lawyer who can protect your rights and guide you through the legal process.

One common and frequent bad faith scenario occurs in cases where victims have been injured in a collision with an at-fault driver who has little or no insurance. Often, the only chance to obtain full compensation is through the victim’s own insurance carrier. Even if you’ve purchased uninsured or underinsured insurance and paid a premium for it, the insurer may not be so keen on paying. The insurance company may deny the claim — and without a straightforward reason. It’s unjust treatment and makes a difficult time even more difficult. Consulting with a personal injury attorney can help victims navigate these challenging situations.

Policyholders are Entitled to Fair Claims

This includes a timely acknowledgement via written notice of the claim, notification of its decision and an explanation of any delay. If you feel that your insurance company or a third-party carrier is violating its legal responsibilities, it’s time to seek advice from an experienced bad faith attorney. This legal professional will seek justice on your behalf. Besides having to pay the original claim, the insurance carrier may be liable for punitive damages, interest, attorneys’ fees and court expenses.

However, keep in mind that an adjuster with an insurance company is not necessarily negotiating in bad faith just because there is a difference of opinion about how much an accident claim is worth, but bad faith can occur if the insurance adjuster will not give you the reasons for a very low settlement offer. Bad faith also can exist if the adjuster does or says something that is an improper settlement tactic. If you think the adjuster is acting in bad faith, you can mention it to the adjuster. If you do not get a good response, you can make the accusation in writing. A written accusation is more serious and usually will get rapid attention.

Insurance Companies Are Not Your Friends

While you may think your insurance company is on your side, their goals are different from yours. Their objective is to protect their bottom line, not your financial security. Let an experienced bad faith insurance attorney set them straight. Attorneys with many years of experience in settling bad faith insurance claims can negotiate effectively on your behalf. Your attorney will be familiar with all the tricks and techniques that insurance companies may use to minimize your settlement. Attempting to negotiate with an insurance company on your own will usually result in a poor financial result.

Contact a Georgia Bad Faith in Insurance Claims Attorney Today

If you feel that your insurance claim was unjustly denied or that the insurer was not dealing with you in good faith, the personal injury attorneys at the Mann Law Firm can help by reviewing your circumstances and discussing all available legal options. In addition to handling cases in Macon, we are prepared to represent clients in Dublin, Warner Robins, Milledgeville and other Georgia communities. We would like to meet with you to discuss your case, and we are proud to offer free initial consultations.

Attorney David Mann

Attorney David MannBefore leading his own firm, Mann served for several years as in-house defense counsel for a large insurance company, which gives him unique insight into how insurance companies work. He uses this critical knowledge as an advantage for his clients. He is a tough negotiator and litigator, and he is exceptionally strategic in building cases on behalf of personal injury victims.[ Attorney Bio ]


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