Macon, Georgia Slip & Fall Accidents: The Difference between Negligence & Carelessness Lawyer

Slip & Fall Accidents: The Difference between Negligence & Carelessness

Slip and fall accidents are responsible for sending over one million people to emergency rooms every year, according the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI) – resulting in steep medical costs, lost income and physical pain and suffering.  When the accident happened on someone else’s property and liability is an issue, how can you determine whether an owner was truly negligent if they claim you were being careless? Playing the He Said / She Said Game Whenever a premises liability accident occurs, you’re likely to get into a he said / she game over how the accident occurred – especially when insurance companies are involved.  In fact, many insurance companies will attempt to invoke what’s called the “open and obvious doctri...

Macon, Georgia 5 Ways to Increase Your Chances of Succeeding in a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Lawyer

5 Ways to Increase Your Chances of Succeeding in a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit

Motorcycle accidents often result in far more damage and injury than those involving cars, trucks and other vehicles in which drivers and passengers are more protected.  If you're in a motorcycle accident, the most important thing to do is to seek immediate medical attention for your injuries. While the last thing on your mind is litigation, knowing these 5 things can increase your chances of succeeding in a lawsuit, if it comes to that. File a police report.  It's important to file a police report to document what happened, how it happened and when it happened.  Without a report, the circumstances of a motorcycle accident can turn into a he-said / she-said contest.  If the police don’t come to the accident scene, which does hap...

What Is A Personal Injury?

We’ve all heard the term “personal injury” in the legal context, but what does it really mean?  Most people would be surprised at the scope of the term and the numerous types of situations it applies to in everyday life. Personal Injury – Defined According to LexisNexis, a personal injury is defined as the branch of tort law that covers any wrong or damage done to another in his person, property, rights, or reputation. So, what does that mean in plain English?  Actually, a lot. Personal injury law involves an injury that is caused by another person’s failure to act reasonably.  The term “reasonably” can vary depending on the facts and circumstances of a situation.  Here’s two quick examples: Example 1.  A car runs a ...

Macon Crane Accident Kills One, Injures Three Others

A recent crane accident at the Graphic Packaging Company in Macon took the life of one young man and injured three other workers. The tragedy reminds us all that accidents happen every day – even in our small Georgia community. A Tragic Accident According to Macon Warner Robins 41NBC/WMGT, a group of men were dismantling a crane at the Graphic Packaging Company in Macon when a strap broke and the crane fell apart.  Three of the subcontracted workers for the company who were injured were transferred to the Medical Center of Central Georgia and are expected to survive.  However, according to Bibb County Coroner Leon Jones, 21-year-old Johnathan Siroky of Fayetteville was killed at the scene of the accident when he was crushed between th...


Does Workers’ Compensation Insurance Pay Lost Wages?

Learn What Benefits You are Entitled To

Does workers’ comp pay lost wages? This is an especially important concern for workers who have been injured on the job or who have become ill due to their work. The answer...